Worship Services

Join Us for Worship

"Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God" (Colossians 3:16) On Sunday mornings, our church family gathers to hear God’s word, to grow in our understanding of God’s will, to experience God’s grace, and to share food and fellowship.

We have Hearing Loop in the sanctuary to assist those with hearing loss.

8:30 am Worship

The 8:30 service is held in the chapel area in the sanctuary (near the front, on the right) and is a smaller, more intimate version of the 10:30 service. Communion is offered every week and there is no choir.

On the first Sunday of the month, the 8:30 am service is a special Worship and Wonder service. See more details in the Worhsip and Wonder tab on this page. 

10:30 am Worship

 The Sunday 10:30 am service features our chancel choir, and communion is offered on the first Sunday of the month.

During the 10:30 am service, all children are invited to participate in Faith Sharing with Children. 

After Faith Sharing, children in preschool through 2nd grade are invited to attend Grow in Grace where children "grow in grace" through story, music, and play. Each week, participants focus on a Bible story and learn more about it through storytelling, movement, music, and more!  Participants will be guided to Children’s Church by Nursery staff and returned to the back row of the Sanctuary during the final hymn where they can be picked up.

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Worship and Wonder

First Sundays November 2024–April 2025

8:30–9:15 am in the Sanctuary

Worship and Wonder follows a similar order of worship to Sunday mornings, guided by more creative movement and activities. With particular appeal to children and families, this service is relevant to all ages of worshipers, and all are welcome.

Dinner Church

Update on Dinner Church

Thank you to everyone who has joined us for Dinner Church and helped make this such a special worship service each month. We have decided to pause Dinner Church for the time being. We plan to reassess its future once Pastor Brian returns from parental leave. In the meantime, we invite you to join us for worship on Sunday mornings at 8:30 am and 10:30 am. On the first Sunday of each month, join us for Worship and Wonder at 8:30 am, an intergenerational service with creative activities, movement, and Communion. As we look to the future with hope, we invite you to be part of the many ways we gather in worship and fellowship.

Staff Contact

The Rev. Dr. Brian Lays


Staff Contact

The Rev. Lauren Scott

Associate Pastor for Youth and Families

Staff Contact

The Rev. Dana Riley

Associate Pastor of Community Outreach

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