Ways to Serve

Outreach / Ways to Serve

Riverside Presbyterian offers opportunities to serve our own church community, neighborhood, city and our world.

Serve in Our Congregation

RPC Deacon Ministries

  • Loaves and Fishes

    This volunteer-based ministry team cooks and delivers provides meals to members with various needs, from new parents to those recovering from surgery or grieving a loss. Volunteer-based meal ministry to provide for new parents and those who are ill. A group cooks meals for freezing. 

    Email Jane
  • Meals for Parents

    Have you heard? Our church’s numbers have been growing with brand new baby members!! Help us to support these families as they adjust to life after the birth of their babies by signing up for a slot to provide them with a meal. Meals can be self-made and delivered or ordered online for delivery. 

    Currently there are not any meal sign ups but please check back at a later date. Thank you. 

  • Prayer Ministry

    This ministry team prayers through both a public and private prayer list on a weekly basis. 

    Email Norma
  • Love Callers

    This ministry team reaches out to our church’s homebound and nursing home members, through phone calls, cards etc. They also coordinate other groups within the church (for example, the Youth, Sunday School Classes, Small Groups etc.) to be in touch with this important population in our church. 

    Email Clare
  • Flower Delivery Team

    Volunteer to deliver flowers to our church friends. Flowers have the power to brighten one’s day and say “we care." Flowers are often delivered to those who have been ill, undergone surgery, lost a loved one, or welcomed a new child into their home. Choosing just one or two days a quarter is helpful and appreciated. 

    Sign Up
  • First Friends

    This ministry team builds relationships with and orientates new members during their first year of membership.

    Email Matthew
  • Congregational Care

    This ministry team reaches out to members and visitors who have not been seen at church in a while, to make sure that they are receiving the support and care that they need. 

    Email Frank

Congregational Service Opportunities

  • Call to Worship Liturgist

    Serve as a liturgist for the Call to Worship at the beginning of the worship service.

    Sign up
  • Usher for Worship

    Help welcome people to our sanctuary, offer them a bulletin, answer questions etc. All ages are welcome to usher.

    Sign Up
  • Become a Secret Pal

    Secret Pals keep in touch with college students during the school year by letters, cards or care packages.

    Email us

Serve in Our Community

Our goal is to provide volunteers and financial aid to ministries, missions and organizations in our surrounding community; and to support those ministries and programs we feel provide the best and largest impact for the areas in which they serve.

Special Service Opportunity - March 7 and 13

Volunteer at Field Days at West Riverside and Central Riverside Elementary Schools!

Join us to cheer on the students as they enjoy a field day on the playground.

Sign up here

Community Service Opportunities

  • Trash Pick Up

    Please help us Keep Five Points Clean! 

    Third Sunday of the month, 7:45 - 8:30 am

    Meet in the upper parking lot.  We’ll provide gloves, grabbers, and buckets. Children must be accompanied by an adult. 

  • Cook or Serve Dinner at Sulzbacher Center

    The 2nd Thursday of each month is RPC's day to cook and serve over 400 meals to people experiencing homelessness in Jacksonville. Each month 3 helpers are needed for cooking and up to 8 volunteers are needed to serve dinner.

    2025 Dates: February 13, March 13, April 10, May 8, June 12, July 10, August 14, September 11, October 9, and November 13. 

    Sign up
  • Neighboring Collaborative - Eat Lunch in 5 Points

    Third Sunday of the month

    Enjoy lunch after church in Five Points with family and/or friends. Head to any of the Five Points restaurants that are open on Sunday's. If you're looking for a lunch group, venture outside the sanctuary to Lemonade and Cookies to find someone who's also looking for a lunch group.

  • Riverside Presbyterian Church Basketball League

    The Board is especially excited about the first season with a true home for RPC Basketball: the Family Life Center! Thank you to all who brought about this transformative space to the RPC community.  The league is open to boys ages 6-16 and girls ages 7-12. The season runs from November to early February. Registration opens on September 1.

    Volunteer coaches, gym monitors and referees are always needed!


    Interfaith Coalition for Action, Reconciliation and Empowerment

    Give voice and vote to your concern and hope for Jacksonville. Help set the agenda for ICARE as we work to improve our city.

    Learn more
  • Meals on Wheels

    The Meals on Wheels (MOW) program has been a part of Riverside for many years and this spring we partnered with Aging True, a local nonprofit that administers federally funded nutritional services, which allows us to serve more of the over 2,000 seniors on a waitlist. With more drivers more seniors can receive help! Contact Nancy Carlton at 388-8187 to learn more or to volunteer.

    Email Nancy
  • Earth Care Congregation

    Each year our church takes an "Earth Care Pledge" and works toward finding new and creative ways to care for our earth as individuals and as a community. 

    Learn more
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    Sulzbacher Center

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    Thornwell Home for Children

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    Trinity Food Pantry

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    Sanctuary on 8th Street

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    Salvation Army Red Kettle Drive

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    Riverside Tradition House, sober residence

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    Riverside Presbyterian Day School

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    Riverside Presbyterian Basketball League

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  • Organizations we support

    Montgomery Presbyterian Camp and Conference Center

    Register here
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    Riverside Presbyterian House and Apartments

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    Presbyterian Social Ministries

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    Life Renewed Counseling

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    Interfaith Coalition for Action, Reconciliation and Empowerment

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    Downtown Ecumenical Services Council

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    Columbia Theological Seminary

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    CEW Field Days

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    Caring Tree Gifts for Local Children


Partners in Ministry

Serve in Our World

Presbyterian Mission Co-Workers

Mission Co-Workers are supported with monthly financial contributions as well as letters and prayers from our congregation. We currently support: 

Haiti: Mark Hare and Jenny Bent

Niger: Jim and Jodi McGill

Uganda: Shelvis and Nancy Smith-Mather

Partnerships in Haiti

We are a congregational partner of Fonkoze, an amazing micro-finance cooperative to help provide education, literacy and small loans to women in Haiti. Our goal is to be a catalyst for local congregations to join forces to provide greater impact on the poverty and lives of women in Haiti. We do this by providing education, travel and fundraising opportunities throughout the year.

An Essay Written by Herbert Artus

Lawa, a Neighborhood of Gros-Morne: 

The Troubled Cry of a Community in Distress

  • Children's Ministry Emails

    to Children's Ministry Emails

    Click to Subscribe
  • Nursery Registration

    before first visit

    Register here

Staff Contact

The Rev. Dana Riley

Associate Pastor of Community Outreach

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