Music Ministry

Music Ministry

Since its founding, Riverside Presbyterian has expressed its love of God through music. Long known as a center for music and arts in Jacksonville, RPC boasts an excellent traditional music program focused primarily around the Chancel Choir, the Riverside Choristers, and our new Colby organ. Each week, we offer the best in sacred music ranging from the chants of the early church through newly-composed anthems and hymnody. In addition to our worship offerings, we are host to Concerts at Riverside, with programming including solo recitals, chamber music, and even large orchestral ensembles, frequently hosting other arts organizations and schools in the Jacksonville area.

Chancel Choir

The Chancel Choir is our primary ensemble for leading worship at RPC, singing traditional choral music spanning from gregorian chant through newly composed works. This excellent and dedicated group of volunteers and professional singers rehearses each Thursday evening from 6:30-8:30pm during the program year. In the summer months, rehearsals are held on Sunday mornings only. The chancel choir is open to all who are able to read music. For more information about joining the choir, please contact us.

Handbell Choir

Our Handbell Choir rehearses Wednesday evenings from 6:00-7:00pm and plays for worship roughly once per month. This volunteer ensemble is open to all. Those who are interested in joining should contact the Handbell Choir Director, Dave Tuttle.


Riverside’s Colby-Walker pipe organ (Opus 507) replaced our original Möller pipe organ. It was dedicated in worship on October 28, 2018, followed by an inaugural concert by internationally renowned organist Chelsea Chen on February 10, 2019. The 115 rank instrument is a full pipe organ augmented with Aeolian-Skinner digital voices by Walker to broaden the available tonal palette. Architectural changes opened the original organ chambers on the front and the sides, allowing the sound to blend with the choir before projecting down the main axis of the sanctuary. The result is a breathtaking addition to our longstanding tradition of musical excellence.

Organ Specifications

Click here to read about our organ, featured in the August 2019 edition of The American Organist

In addition to our organ, Riverside houses three Steinway grand pianos, including a concert model D, and five octaves of handbells.

Music Ministry Newsletter

The Bell Choir

at Riverside

Welcome to


Free music education for children grades 2-6

Choristers Program

Riverside Presbyterian Church is offers a program of free music education for children in grades 2-6. Choristers build skills in singing, musicianship, music theory, teamwork, and leadership. Our program is modeled on English cathedral choirs, which have been enriching the lives of children for hundreds of years. This program is open and welcoming to children of any or no religious background. For more information, e-mail

Sign up for Choristers
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