Children's Ministry

Children and Families

We consider ministry to children and their families to be an essential part of our overall mission. We offer many opportunities for children to grow and learn in their faith as well as offer support and guidance for parents and other caregivers as they nurture the faith of their children.

Vacation Bible School

June 2-6

9:00 am - 12:00 pm for Pre-K 3 - Rising 3rd Grade

Register for VBS

Summer in the City

June 2-6

9:00 am - 12:00 pm for rising 4th - 5th Grade

Register for Summer in the City
  • Children's Ministry Emails

    to Children's Ministry Emails

    Click to Subscribe
  • Nursery Registration

    before first visit

    Register here

Worship and Wonder

First Sunday of the Month, 8:30 am - 9:15 am in the sanctuary

Worship and Wonder services follow a similar order of worship to what we often do on Sunday mornings and involve more movement and creative activities. While this service has a particular appeal to children and families, it is relevant to worshipers of all ages. Communion will be served. Nursery is also available.

Faith at Home Resources

Parents have the most influence over their children’s faith formation. RPC offers support to parents in a variety of ways including regular mailings of simple faith resources that engage their children in different parts of the liturgical year. Regular emails are sent to keep parents informed about church programing as well as to offer other resources for faith formation. 

Riverside Presbyterian Basketball League

The Board is especially excited about the first season with a true home for RPC Basketball: the Family Life Center! Thank you to all who brought about this transformative space to the RPC community.  The league is open to boys ages 6-16 and girls ages 7-12. The season runs from November to early February. Registration opens on September 1 at

Age 0-4

  • Nursery Information for Age 0-4

    Location: Williams Building Rooms 104/105

    Nursery care is offered to children ages 0-4 beginning at 8:15 am on Sundays. Nursery care is also available during other special services and programs. Our nursery is staffed by trained and caring professionals.

    If it is your first visit, please fill out the childcare registration form.

  • Preschool Sunday School at 9:30 am on Sundays

    All children’s Sunday School classes use Dwell curriculum. DWELL invites children to live into God’s story and to live out of God’s story every day as they respond to God’s call.

    Preschool - Williams  Building Room 105

    Teachers: Jen Edwards, Jen Saenz

    Nursery available for younger chidren during this time. 

  • Are 0-4 year olds welcome in worship?

    Children are welcome in all worship services. Children’s worship bags are located in a wicker basket in the narthex. 

    During the 10:30 am service, all children are invited to participate in Faith Sharing with Children. 

    After Faith Sharing, children in preschool through 2nd grade are invited to attend Grow in Grace where children "grow in grace" through story, music, and play. Each week, participants focus on a Bible story and learn more about it through storytelling, movement, music, and more! During the 10:30 am service, all children are invited to participate in Faith Sharing with Children. Participants will be guided to Children’s Church by Nursery staff and returned to the back row of the Sanctuary during the final hymn where they can be picked up.

    If it is your first visit, please fill out the childcare registration form.

  • Where are the diaper changing stations?

    There are diaper changing stations in the nursery, 2nd floor bathrooms in the Education Building and in the bathrooms in the Sanctuary Building. 

K-5th Grade

  • Preschool-5th Grade Sunday School at 9:30 am

    Children's Sunday School 

    Resumes Sunday  September  15

    All children’s Sunday School classes use Dwell curriculum. DWELL invites children to live into God’s story and to live out of God’s story every day as they respond to God’s call.

    Preschool - Williams  Building Room 105

    Teachers: Jen Edwards, Jen Saenz

    K-2nd - Education Building Room 301

    Teachers: Nancy Warner, Bookie Zeigler

    3rd-5th - Education Building Room 304

    Teachers: Paul Heeg, Thomas Cotchaleovitch 

  • What is there for K-5th during worship?

    Children are welcome in all worship services. Children’s worship bags are located in a wicker basket in the narthex. 

    During the 10:30 am service, all children are invited to participate in Faith Sharing with Children. 

    After Faith Sharing, children in preschool  through 2nd grade are invited to Grow in Grace where children "grow in grace" through story, music, and play. Each week, participants focus on a different Bible story and learn more about it through storytelling, movement, music, and more!

    If it is your first visit, please fill out the childcare registration form.

  • Chorister Program for Grades 2-6

    This is a free music program for children in grades 2-6. Click here for more information.

Staff Contact

Emily Heeg

Executive Director of Operations and Faith Development

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