This year the church is celebrating Earth Care with activities throughout the month of April culminating on Earth Day at the church on Sunday, April 21st. Join us for any or all of these fun activities celebrating our earth and community.
Dress down on April 21 so you can bike, walk or skate to church to save on money and fossil fuels.
Field Trip to Native Plant Nusery
Saturday, April 6, 10:00 am - 3:30 pm
Field Trip to Native Plant Nursery
Kick off RPC’s Earth Month with a visit to Bella Jardins Boutique, a native plant nursery in Starke. We will meet in the small church parking lot at 10:00 am to caravan to the nursery. Jeanni Perry, owner, will explain why she gave up her real job for this satisfying and important work with native plants. The nursery boasts 145 different native plants across 5 acres with walkways meandering throughout. Bring your own lunch and wear your walking shoes (or put in your request and one of us will find the plants for you). Contact Lisa Williams (904-238-9412) or Carol Platt (904-303-6236) with questions.
Special Sunday School Class - Birding in Your Backyard with Jody Willis
Sunday, April 7 at 9:30 am
Special Sunday School Class - Birding in Your Backyard with Jody Willis
This presentation illustrates a simple step-by-step process you can use to transform your yard from a dead zone to a thriving native plant habitat for butterflies, bees, and most importantly, birds. It will help you understand why a native habitat is so important to our future and the simple steps you take to help our native birds.
Youth Group
Sunday, April 7, 5:00 - 7:00 pm
Youth Group
Kathy Stark and Lisa Williams will lead a discussion on native plants for our youth!
IXIA Native Plant Sale
Saturday, April 13- IXIA Native Plant Sale at Native Park (3006 Park St) (on your own).
Earth Day Worship
April 21- Earth Day at RPC!
Dress down so you can bike, walk or skate to church to save on money and fossil fuels.
8:30 am and 10:30 am - Special Earth Day Worship Service
This will include a special time for children (10:30 service) as well as liturgy and music to celebrate the earth’s beauty and bounty.
Special Sunday School Class - Walk and Talk with Shannon Blankinship
Sunday, April 21 at 9:30 am
Special Sunday School Class - Walk and Talk with Shannon Blankinship
Join Shannon Blankinship, Director of RAP (Riverside Avondale Preservation) and other Riversiders as we walk the Five Points neighborhood. Shannon will explain the challenges and hopes for the area and what we can do to help.
Walk and Talk: Native Plants
Saturday, May 11
Walk and Talk: Native Plants, 9:00–11:00 am
Meet at 3306 Park Street
Join owner and landscape designer, Nick Freeman, for a Walk and Talk on native plants at Native Park. Nick Freeman will walk us through the demonstration gardens at Native Park and
discuss the importance of using natives in the home
landscape. Afterward, native plants will be
available for purchase.
Contact Lisa Williams (904-238-9412)
or Carol Proctor (904-472-7542) with questions.
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