A Service of Lessons and Carols
Sunday, December 15, 10:30 am (one service only)
Join us for one of the most beloved services of the year, featuring the Riverside Choir accompanied by a string orchestra and the Riverside Handbells. Inspired by the world-famous Festival of Lessons and Carols at Kings College Cambridge, the service will feature anthems and our favorite carols interspersed with the Biblical narrative of the anticipation and birth of Jesus Christ. You won’t want to miss this musical highlight of the season! Be with us in the sanctuary or online at
Longest Night Service of Healing and Wholeness
December 18, 7:00 pm
A service of healing and wholeness for those navigating a season of grief. In the RPC sanctuary. All are welcome.
December 24, Christmas Eve
4:00 pm - Family Candlelight Service
Children can come dressed as one of the characters from the Christmas story or children can choose one of the costumes available in the narthex. Children will be invited to participate as the Christmas story is told. Join us for this very fun and meaningful candlelight service. Nursery available.
7:00 pm Festival Candlelight Service with Brass, Choir, and Extended Prelude
Join us for this festival candlelight service with brass and choir. An additional set of music will commence the service. Holy Communion will be served. The Rev. Lauren Scott preaches. Be with us in the sanctuary or online at rpcjax.org/live. Nursery available.
11:00 pm Contemplative Candlelight Service
Join us for this 11:00 pm candlelight service featuring contemplative music. Holy Communion will be served. The Rev. Lauren Scott preaches.
Advent Sunday School Class
December 1, 8, and 22
Advent Sunday School Class: The Weary World Rejoices by Kate Bowler
Join this 3-week class facilitated by Randy Parks and Bud Para and explore, through the writings of Kate Bowler, the promises of Advent. “It’s a promise that is coming, as surely and steadily as light traveling from a distant star. It is the promise of a return—a restoration of all things to their true being, a goodness which was conceived from the beginning of time, a realized hope we’ve been longing for.”
Ring the Bell for the Salvation Army
December 2-7, 10:00 am - 7:00 pm daily
at Riverside Publix
RPC volunteers have been ringing the Salvation Army bell for over 10 years. Hour-long shifts available daily from 10:00 am to 7:00 pm. Contact Arden Brugger at arbroz1113@gmail.com or (904) 362-1347, or sign up at www.bit.ly/RPCbells.
Dinner Church and Caroling on the Corner
December 4, 5:30 pm
Please RSVP so we can prepare a meal for you! Suggested donation of $10/adult to cover the cost of your meal. After dinner, we’ll get the chance to share our enthusiastic singing tradition with our Five Points neighbors as we carol outdoors on the corner of Park and Post.
Christmas Riversiders
December 6, 6:00 - 9:00 pm
at Beau Rivage
Join us for food, fellowship, and caroling at Christmas Riversiders! Bring a dish and drink to share and enjoy time together!
Caring Tree
December 8, 11:30 am
The Caring Tree has been a program of Riverside Presbyterian Church for over 25 years. These gift choices have been selected by students from one of the local elementary schools we support. Take a Caring Tree ornament off of the tree at RPC or select one online www.bit.ly/CaringTree2024. Make sure you write the assigned number on the wrapped package, for example 401.1 or 103.3. Return wrapped gifts to the Sanctuary by 11:30 am.
Friday, December 6, 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Caring Tree gift drive thru drop off in the upper lot. Alternatively, call the church office, 904-355-4585 for a gift pick up.
Greening of the Sanctuary with Carols On the Hour
December 14, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Join us for a festive morning as we hang greenery in the sanctuary, accompanied by carol singing! At the top of each hour (9:00, 10:00, 11:00 am and 12:00 pm), we’ll sing a few of our favorite Christmas carols. In between singing, we’ll decorate the Sanctuary with live greenery in preparation for our annual Lessons and Carols service. Holiday snacks and hot beverages provided. Come and go as you please.
Dedicate Christmas Flowers and Greenery
Dedicate in memory of, or thanksgiving for, or choose a ministry you wish to honor at Christmastime. Look for the 4 Christmas Flowers and Greenery envelopes in the pews on Sundays or go online: bit.ly/christmasflowersRPC
Christmas Breakfast
December 15, 9:00 am
Join us for a festive Christmas Breakfast before Lessons & Carols! We’ll gather in Bittinger to prepare our hearts, minds, and stomachs for a beautiful worship service. RSVP in Friendship Pad or via the emailed
If you’re willing to donate a breakfast casserole (sweet OR savory), please contact
Windy Taylor.
Church Office Hours
December 24 - 25 Closed
December 31 - January 1 Closed
Regular office hours resume Thursday, January 2, 2025
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